Friday, December 12, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

crooked tree

...walking up to the tree

i was attempting to work on a paper about the nazi seizure of art, but was distracted by the fact that it's the day before election day...

what a cozy place.

red mug

i spend a lot of time at the same place (crooked tree coffee house), so a lot of my pictures have been there lately. that's ok with me because i really love it there.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


writing a paper and enjoying the fall day as reflected in my computer. thank god for peaceful days.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

goats are a boy's best friend


three views of the texas star

my favorite is the last one 

state fair animals

elsie the borden cow... prettiest cow ever
i dub thee caterpillar goat

precious piglets. they were moving too fast to get a clear picture. but look how pink they are! 

Monday, October 6, 2008

door decorations

i thought to do military pin ups, but there weren't enough appropriate ones. so, instead, vintage posters from ww1 and ww2. the ribbons, of course, are my favorite part - took forever to tie with two together, but i love the way it turned out. 

Sunday, September 28, 2008

dallas zoo

tie-dye party

i had a tie-dye party for my residents, and it turned out to be a rousing success. they put their dyed shirts in baggies, 
then i put them in them in the machine, dried them, and folded them.
they turned out to be so great! check out these bright colors!!!

i made the one above.

Monday, September 22, 2008

painted window

an old window, painted and hung as art at crooked tree. sweet! this is such a good idea. the trick is that the paint is on the inside, so the dark pink and black had to be painted first...interesting. very pretty with the green walls. 

water towers


a common sight in texas. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


luckily our campus is a hill, so when i'm coming back from class...weeeeee!

calm after the storm

hurricane ike passed, leaving us with a beautiful early fall day on monday. our campus is best on days like these. 

makes a monday worthwhile. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

going 75 miles an hour

asphalt and grass

summer sky

above bridwell library

the steeple of perkins chapel

from the business school

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

houston in july

a really cool optical illusion fountain at rice university (worth the click)

a fun-loving dog, also at rice

the williams tower and the water wall - 65 beautiful feet of water

williams tower - houston, tx

there is just something about very tall buildings. luckily, it was a perfect houston day - cloudless and hot.

Monday, July 21, 2008

east texas

scenes of a small town in east texas. it's beautiful, do you see that?

the coming evening

the sun sets over the isis river. i wish i was there. it's a whole other universe, and a wholly different life.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

when you give a 9-year-old a camera...

...and drive through dallas, this is what you get:

not bad at all.